Anytone 878uvii plus - Cumbria Code Plug

For users of AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus in Cumbria, here is my full code plug I use on my Anytone Handheld. Its got a Zone Called Cumbria which includes the 2 DMR repeaters GB3WU and GB7PG
Also includes Pi frequencys etc.

The code plug is an extract from the Moonraker Code Plug.
Please make sure to UPDATE your CALLSIGN in the code plug before flashing.

I used:

Firmware 3.06
CPS Software 3.06

3.06 can be downloaded from here:

I have uploaded the FULL file that opens in 3.06 and I think 3.05 and 3.04 firmware, which can be downloaded here:
anytone-cumbria-codeplug.rdt (581 Bytes)

If your firmware is older then 3.06 and you dont want to update. Here is the individual CSV files you can manually update (5.7 MB)

Remember uploading my full code plug might change your button layouts, so it is better to backup your radio before updating.
