Selling on Cumbria CQ Is Free - But If you sell something why dont you make a donation to CumbriaCQ?

:loudspeaker: Selling on Cumbria CQ is FREE! :tada:

:moneybag: Made a sale? Why not give back?
:pray: A small donation helps keep Cumbria CQ running for everyone!

:arrow_right: **:earth_africa: Click to Donate

:white_check_mark: Selling Access Requirements:
:small_blue_diamond: You must request β€œSelling” status before listing items.
:small_blue_diamond: Verification is done via your callsign.
:small_blue_diamond: Your account name MUST display your callsign, or your request will be declined.

:link: Request Selling Access Here:

:heart: Every little helps – Thank you for your support! :shopping::blue_heart: